We’re excited to announce that we’ve enhanced our integration with John Deere’s Operations Center™️.
You can now export your budgeted field activities from Harvest Profit into Operations Center’s Work Planner feature.
Haven’t used Work Planner yet? With it, you can streamline work setup and help your operators start field work more quickly.
In Work Planner, you can create a customized work plan for each field operation. You can then send those plans to your Generation 4 Display for easier in-season execution and better data capture. Once at the field boundary, you can start field work with just one touch on your display.
Learn more about Work Planner here:
In Harvest Profit, you can build a crop budget using your budgeted input usage, input prices, land costs/share crops, and overhead allocations. If you create your input applications that mirror your projected field activities, you can now push these applications into Work Planner.
Check out the integration in action here:
We have a lot more planned that will more closely tie your farm’s financial and agronomic data!

Nick Horob
Passionate about farm finances, software, and assets that produce cash flow (oil wells/farmland/rentals). U of MN grad.
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